Career questions tagged thank-you

How much does a writer make?
How much does a writer make? And what are the highlights of being a writer? And also some things that you have to do to become a writer? #journalism #writing #Thank-you

What are some tips that you can give me in having writers block?
I'm currently in college for a English degree and I was wondering if you had some tips on writers block. Because I keep starting over on basically everything I begin to write. #Thank-you #writing #journalism #english

What should I do finally get this this finished?
I want to be a writer, but I can never seem to finish the story I want to make. Mainly because I keep restarting, get stuck on a part, or something else. #listening to any advise. #writing #creative-writing #storytelling #writing-and-editing #writer #thank-you

What materials can I use in order to get better at the career I want?
What books or types of materials can I look into, to get better at becoming a creative writer? #writing #journalism #Thank-you

How should I improve my writing?
What can I do to improve my writing. And also come up some interesting ideas for story? #journalism #Thank-you #writing #writing-and-editing

How should I pay back back my student loans?
Is there some advise you can give me on a ways I can payback my student loans # as fast as possible. And then things I can do during the school times. #Thank-you #financial-planning #financial-aid #money

What do I go about writing a thank you letter to a scholarship committee?
I am a senior in high school and I recently won a scholarship and want to write a thank you letter or card to the foundation. Should this be a short thank you of only a few sentences? I have not worked with this foundation nor do I know much about it, but I want to write a genuine thank you note. Are there any do's and do not's for these types of thank you's? #scholarships #letter #thank-you