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Mary Marrs’s Avatar

Mary Marrs

Social Work
Protective Service Occupations
Seattle, Washington
5 Answers
686 Reads
1 Karma

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Emma’s Avatar
Emma yesterday 48 views

What kind of lawyer represents clients in court? Specifically criminal cases (abuse, assault, kidnappings, etc.)?

One interest I have is being a lawyer. I don't know much about this field since it is so broad, and I don't know where to start either. I know I want to work on criminal cases and represent clients in court. What would that title be?

Julia’s Avatar
Julia yesterday 197 views

What is the best way to manage your career with our hobbies and your personal life?

I have this fear that when I get a job it will take up all my time and I will never be able to pursue different hobbies or go any where or see anybody because I will always be at work.

Emma’s Avatar
Emma yesterday 75 views

What kind of mental strain is it being a forensic psychologist?

I've been considering a career in forensic psychology for a while now, but the one thing that has always stopped me is the mental strain. How hard is it to go to work everyday and focus on criminals and horrific cases?

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Oct 01 155 views

Is it possible to get into a career in psychology without getting a PhD?

I am considering going into a psychology career but I don't want to go to extra schooling if it is not necessary.

Lyla’s Avatar
Lyla Oct 01 100 views

What is the success rate of a criminal psychologist?

I am a sophomore in high school interested in majoring in criminology and minoring in psychology. I'm curious about whether or not people actually make good livings in this field and if it's worth it to get into.