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Bilal Khaous’s Avatar

Bilal Khaous

Charlotte, North Carolina
5 Answers
495 Reads
2 Karma

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Henry’s Avatar
Henry Oct 01 448 views

What kind of careers might I be interested in?

I have no idea what kind of job I want or what I would like to do, but I need to have some ideas for a class.

Julia’s Avatar
Julia yesterday 97 views

What are career options that allow me to put my hobbies into my job?

I am a sophomore in high school and my hobbies include, minecraft, calligraphy, crafts, choir, theatre, and other video games. I have no idea what I want to do and don't know where to start but I don't want to end up with boring numbers and logistics jobs, though I can do those things I don't...

David’s Avatar
David yesterday 141 views

what career can i pick?

a good career i can enjoy

Julia’s Avatar
Julia yesterday 88 views

What are factors that would help me decide on a career?

I am a sophomore in high school and I don't really know anything about what career I want. Where should I start?

Henry’s Avatar
Henry yesterday 131 views

What kind of Jobs would you recommend based on what I like?

So I am in a class in high school for career readiness, but don't really have any idea what kind of job I want to do. For reference I like: Cooking, Archery, Video games, Drawing (though I'm not very good yet),Long fantasy books and doing things outside
any advice would be great, thanks