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Drew English’s Avatar

Drew English

Coordinator and Research Analyst
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
New York, New York
4 Answers
1298 Reads
1 Karma

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Eva’s Avatar
Eva Oct 09 259 views

Collegue Questions?

How do I create a college application?

joyce’s Avatar
joyce Oct 10 293 views

how to start a business

for fish farming.

Terry’s Avatar
Terry Oct 10 361 views

What are the cons of having a business at a young business?

I am in the9th grade and I am just beginning to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps I should consider based on my passions and interests?

peyton’s Avatar
peyton Oct 10 255 views

What level education would i need to start a businesss?

Im in the 9th grade and i want to start a business