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Rebecca’s Avatar


Big Lake, Minnesota
3 Questions
130 Karma

Rebecca’s Career Goals

I want to finish getting my AA degree through concurrent enrollment at my high school, get my Bachelors and Masters at college that has prestigious programs in Forensic Science or/and Criminology, and eventually pursue a career related to both these fields.



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Rebecca Oct 11 563 views

Can a U.S. college degree qualify you for relevant jobs in European countries or do most European countries require degrees from their country?

I've been learning about several different European countries and I am potentially thinking about moving to one of them. But, if a degree from the U.S. won't get me any jobs in my field, it'll impact whether I want to study abroad or choose not to move there at all.

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Rebecca Oct 11 623 views

Does working to get a dual or double major take up a lot of your free time?

I'm in high school currently. I am interested in both Criminology and Forensic Science and I haven't been able to find a major/career that incorporates both, so I am thinking of double or dual majoring.

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Rebecca Oct 10 263 views

Are there careers that incorporate Forensic Science and Criminology in daily tasks?

My dream career would involve criminal profiling, investigating, crime scene investigation and forensic analysis all in one. I'm looking for a career that is as close to that as possible.