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Camila Mulero’s Avatar

Camila Mulero

Community and Social Service Occupations
Socuéllamos, CM
4 Answers
1062 Reads
1 Karma

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Susan’s Avatar
Susan Oct 14 183 views

How do I know the right career for me?

I am a grade 8th

Atasee’s Avatar
Atasee yesterday 216 views

What does a real estate architect do?

What responsibilities and jobs do they have to carry out?

David’s Avatar
David yesterday 222 views

How can i find the right career?

What is career?

David’s Avatar
David yesterday 516 views

How can I decide on fully committing to a career in electrical engineering?

Im a junior in high school and im still undecisive in what i want to major in. However, ive been thinking about electrical engineering because it involves math which is my strongest subject.