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Lena’s Avatar


North Little Rock, Arkansas
5 Questions
354 Karma

Lena’s Career Goals

I want to be an architect to bring back old styles such as second empire and other victorian-esque styles.


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Lena Jan 29 869 views

How do I pick classes for high school based on what I want to do with my life later on?

In the future, I plan to go into architecture. The college that I'm most likely going to attend requires that you take either trigonometry or physics in high school to even be considered. Do I take one, or do I pick both just in case? Because I am two years ahead in math and science, my 11th...

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Lena Nov 05, 2024 979 views

Is this a good way to organize potential colleges?

Title basically says it all. I know it's an early age for me to be doing this, but it's important to me that I get this done. So far, I have organized the spreadsheet below into six sections (at the time of posting). Is this a good way to do it?...

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Lena Oct 22, 2024 783 views

What are some good safety schools for a BArch?

Preferably looking for colleges with a 70%+ acceptance rate. I'm currently putting together a list of colleges that offer a BArch program to look at on a later date. I'm open to all colleges, including those outside of the US.

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Lena Oct 17, 2024 1263 views

What are some good colleges for architecute?

So far, I've complied a list on SchooLinks of about 28 potential colleges to apply to. Still, I don't know which would be best to look at or if I should add any more, although I know that I have plenty already. I'm open to all colleges, including those outside of the US. I know that if I get...

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Lena Oct 17, 2024 1012 views

What certifications should I get?

I'm an upcoming 9th grader for 2025. I plan to go into architecture when I'm in college, and have been planning it for the past year or two now. Are there any certifications that I should think of getting this summer, architecture/engineering related or not? Are there any good volunteer ideas?