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Michael Mims’s Avatar

Michael Mims

Management Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Houston, Texas
6 Answers
2081 Reads
1 Karma

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mary’s Avatar
mary Dec 12, 2024 449 views

what will happen to me after highschool?

My grades aren't good at school and i don't see if I will proceed to college. I'm just wondering what I will do? I don't have a plan.

Novella’s Avatar
Novella Dec 11, 2024 469 views

What is the best career for me based on my favorite subjects and activities?

I'm a 7th grader just starting looking for a career that is good for me. My favorite subjects are math and science and ELA. Some sports I play are soccer and volleyball. I like to creative write and draw, and read if I find an interesting book.

Lani’s Avatar
Lani Jan 09 951 views

About how long would it take me to become an electrical engineer and is it worth it to go to school for that long?

I am still battling with what I want to pursue after high school and engineering is at the top. Unfortunately, some of my peers don't agree and think its a waste of my time.

Lexie’s Avatar
Lexie Nov 17, 2024 745 views

I'm never motivated to do my sport, and I feel dread for trainings. Should I quit?

I've been swimming since I was 6 or 7, and I'm only a little bit better than others my age. I never feel motivated to train, and I constantly miss practice. I only swim the events I know I can do in meets, and I improve very slowly. I don't get much sleep, and I get slightly above average...

jose’s Avatar
jose Nov 07, 2024 596 views

what kind of skills do I need to be a electrician?

I am a student from san jose job corps

heaven’s Avatar
heaven Oct 23, 2024 513 views

How do I achieve my goals utilizing my strength and hobbies?

My strengths are self motivated and being creative what types of careers or industries might best fit me? What other strengths or experiences might I need for the nursing careers ?