Maura FitzGerald

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what is the average salary for an elementary school teacher? is it easy to find a job as a teacher or do you have to have connections in certain districts?
im currently a junior in high school in Orange County ca. im hoping to major in elementary education and become a teacher in southern ca.

what can i do to be on the right career path?
i do not know what to do to be on the right career path, what can i do?

When do you usually study and if so, how long?
Do you study right after school? How do you balance the amount of time you study if you do extracurriculars?

What kind of classes or steps do I need to take in high school and college to become a dentist?
I am currently in highschool and have taken multiple science courses and have taken dual enrollment classes. In college, I am wondering what classes are needed to become a dentist and what major would be the best for me.

How can I stand our for when I apply for dental school?
I am currently a senior in highschool and will be attending college next year. I am wondering what I can do in college to stand out for when I apply for dental school.