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Clare Staudenmeier’s Avatar

Clare Staudenmeier

Data Analytics
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6 Answers
1377 Reads
41 Karma

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Gracen’s Avatar
Gracen Feb 18 973 views

What is a good way to narrow down jobs I don't like and truly find one I enjoy?

I have been wondering for a long time for a job that I will really enjoy doing for the rest of my life. I used to want to be a nurse, but have discovered that it isn't the job for me. Now I have been sort of thinking about being a dental hygienist, again but I still don't know if I will really...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Feb 19 1884 views

How do I figure out a career and major?

I am a sophomore in high school, and I don’t have any idea what to do with my life. I feel like I have very bad extra circulars, but I don’t know what to do, especially since I have no idea what I want to do or major in. I don’t have any particular passion, however I would like to know ways to...

Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve Feb 09 2026 views

How did you earn the 150 credits to be eligible for the CPA exam ?

Did you get your bachelor's then master's degree, or did you get the 150 credits through a 5 year bachelor's degree program. What where the pros and cons of your path, and what did you like/dislike about it?

Gavin’s Avatar
Gavin Feb 18 618 views

How can I accomplish my goals while maintaining balance in my life?

I am busy with sports like basketball and golf, but I still want to get good grades, enjoy family time, and also have some time to myself.

Tammy’s Avatar
Tammy Feb 11 916 views

Is it possible to go into the accounting world with just a bachelors in accounting?

I want to continue in accounting but I hear from many that I need a masters to get opportunities. However, it's really expensive for me to do. Is it still possible to get into big corporates and governmental accounting with just a bachelors?

movine’s Avatar
movine Nov 02, 2024 533 views

How can i find a part time accounting job while attending college?

I am currently an accounting student at the university of lavingtone transfering to a four year university this fall 2024.I have completed both accounting and managerial accounting courses.