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Deidre Mercedes Watson’s Avatar

Deidre Mercedes Watson

School Liaison AmeriCorps Member at New American Pathways
Management Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
Lithonia, Georgia
24 Answers
60777 Reads
31 Karma


Civic Duty

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Lynn’s Avatar
Lynn Aug 07, 2018 862 views

I’m returning to college in my 50’s to get my teaching degree in Elementary Education and am wondering how difficult will it be finding a teaching position at my age?

Will I be considered to be someone with a lifetime of knowledge or will the younger applicants shine over me?


Angelica’s Avatar
Angelica Jun 27, 2018 799 views

How many years of collage did you take before getting to where you are?

I hope to get to a great place just like you. #education

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jun 20, 2018 1000 views

What degree do you need to become a teacher?

I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college...

Ari’s Avatar
Ari Aug 31, 2017 1146 views

What's the most challenging part about choosing a foreign language as a major?

I am considering majoring in French because I love the culture and I wish to learn more about it while studying abroad. I would just like to know what to expect for when I begin studying for it. #France #bilingual #academic-advising #language #foreign-languages #language-skills

Tori ’s Avatar
Tori May 19, 2016 1114 views

If I become an elemantary teacher, how much teaching freedom will I have?

I am asking this questions because if I become a teacher I want to be a teacher that has class outside sometimes. I want kids to learn in a fun, hands on way. This is one of the main reason I want to be a teacher and it would be great to know now if I will be able to do things like this. #education

Deana’s Avatar
Deana Jul 14, 2017 3669 views

Clubs vs Internships Freshman year of college

I'm an incoming freshman for this fall, and the college I am attending has so many opportunities. To the professionals and former college students, I wanted to ask: is it more important to get involved in clubs and organizations my first year on campus, or should I be pursuing more professional...

jayaprasad yadav’s Avatar
jayaprasad yadav May 09, 2016 1080 views

how to controls smoking

India so many boys are smoking #doctor #teaching #teacher #friends

Wenge’s Avatar
Wenge Jul 31, 2016 1717 views

Should people attend volunteer activities which are not relevant to their subject?

I used to consider to volunteer to educate people who live in a poor village in Western China. But this may not relevant with my future career. #education #volunteering #volunteer

Mariah’s Avatar
Mariah May 11, 2016 976 views

Should I get a ADN or BSN?

I will get a BSN but I need advice. Is it smarter to get an ADN first so I can at least get job at a hospital and get experience and then get my BSN or just wait out the 4 years and go straight for the BSN?

Krystelle’s Avatar
Krystelle May 27, 2016 1675 views

What should I major in if I intend to become a lawyer?

I've been searching the internet on what is better to major on if I intend to become a lawyer. Many websites have criticized that business,financing, or economics do not capture law schools' attention unless there is a very complex branch that pertains to either. All website that I have seen...

Archived’s Avatar
Archived Aug 16, 2016 879 views

Even if you are in the top ten percent, should I worry about getting into college?

I am worried I won't get into the colleges I am applying to, such as TCU, UNT, and UTA. I am rank 16 out of 227 with a GPA of 4.125 on a 5.0 scale. #college-admissions

Bakkiyalakshmi’s Avatar
Bakkiyalakshmi Jun 15, 2016 1352 views

which is the best college for study teacher

for my life #teaching

Manon’s Avatar
Manon May 23, 2016 1441 views

Is the knowledge of foreign languages beneficial in obtaining a higher-paying job, most especially in accounting, and which languages would be most beneficial to know?

I am currently a rising high school senior, and I am still trying to review the best options of study for a successful career. I believe that I may want to study to be an accountant, but I also love foreign languages and working with those people with different cultural and language...

Lydia’s Avatar
Lydia Jun 22, 2017 33452 views

Careers available in prevention of human trafficking?

I am a high school student currently enrolled in collegiate high school working towards my AA. I am very interested in fighting sex trafficking and would be interested to know my options as far as this field goes and what my major should be to be successful on this path, but still have a...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 15, 2016 1362 views

What is it like to pursue a teaching career in another country?

I am a high school student currently interested in taking up education as a future career. It was a difficult choice to pick this career path because although I always wanted to be a teacher, my father refuses to allow me to take up a low-paying job. I decided to look into teaching outside of...