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Deidre Mercedes Watson’s Avatar

Deidre Mercedes Watson

School Liaison AmeriCorps Member at New American Pathways
Management Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
Lithonia, Georgia
24 Answers
50872 Reads
31 Karma


Civic Duty

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Mary’s Avatar
Mary May 21, 2016 809 views

Is teaching ESOL to adults more challenging than with students in the United States?

I'm 28 and returning to college to get certified to teach English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). I think it's important to get feedback from someone with experience in this field because I would like to be a successful teacher! #teaching #teacher #bilingual-teacher #esol #tesol

Lindsay’s Avatar
Lindsay May 26, 2016 780 views

Is college for everyone?

In the past people have found success without attending college and furthering their education. Is college really meant for everyone; it does not guarantee success and some people just aren't college material. #education

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah May 13, 2016 973 views

How available are jobs for undergraduate in Excercise Science?

Can I get a job after getting a BS in Exercise Science #teaching #teacher #professional #career-counseling

Yula’s Avatar
Yula May 16, 2016 1177 views

What major should I take if I want to teach english in korea?

When I grow older and graduate college I want to move to korea and teach high school students english because in korea english is a language that they want to know and learn how to speak it. #teacher #college-major #education #english #korea

Anita’s Avatar
Anita Sep 05, 2016 1513 views

I need help with my extracuricular activities!

Okay so highschool has started and I'm not apart of anything. I'm not in band, orchestra, sports team, theater or anything else. Club rush is coming up and I'm planning on joining a few clubs and being on the academic decathlon team. But, I feel like if I only join clubs in highschool the next...

Delilah’s Avatar
Delilah Jun 11, 2016 1329 views

Does the highschool you go to matter in the end?

I am moving to a new house and have the option of staying at the same school I have gone to for two years but I also have the chance of getting to change to go to a different school. The school I currently go to does not give me the option of taking the AP classes I want for my junior year...

Rushi’s Avatar
Rushi May 25, 2016 916 views

How much "exploration" (time-wise and in terms of course-load) is enough to ensure that your intended major is the most suitable/'right' choice for you?

I currently go to Rutgers University (New Brunswick) and will be a rising second year student intending to major in Cell Bio and Neuroscience with a minor in Economics. I intend to follow the traditional pre-med track with a special focus on business. Being at Rutgers this first year, I...

Danish’s Avatar
Danish Oct 27, 2016 1135 views

In a College/ University, how do people take notes efficiently

I'm only in high school but i still know a little bit about how to take notes for college. My question was about how professors act about people saying to wait on a slide or to repeat an idea so they can copy it down? Are those two notions even a thing in college? I just want to be an efficient...

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 14, 2016 1068 views

How important are the SAT scores that are being sent to the colleges I plan on applying to?

I do know that they are important. I am taking the SAT early next year and I just want to know how colleges will seem them as. There are so many parts to a college application that I do not know how they will take the SAT score I receive. #college #college-admissions #testing #sat