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Jane’s Avatar


Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
3 Questions
206 Karma

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Jane Feb 18 1561 views

How satisfied are you with your job, Financial Analysts?

Please rate your job satisfaction (is there enough time for your personal life, are you happy coming to work, do you enjoy living and being financial analyst) from 1 to 10 (where 1 - not satisfied at all and want to change your profession and 10 is very satisfied) And share why As many even...

Jane’s Avatar
Jane Feb 10 1118 views

Financial analysts, what subjects did you choose in school and did they benefit you in you university studying and your career?

Financial analysis
Subjects in school
Thank you

Jane’s Avatar
Jane Feb 10 842 views

Please, share challenges and responsibilities you face as a financial analyst.?

That should be something hard or tiring and not skills of this profession.
Thank you :)