Career questions tagged subjects

Financial analysts, what subjects did you choose in school and did they benefit you in you university studying and your career?
Financial analysis Subjects in school Thank you

What top subjects are required for ultra soundtechs?
I'm a 11th grader and i would like to pick my next subjects base on whats needed on becoming an Ultra Soundtech.

I want to be an interior designer. Do i have to take art and design or graphics (as subjects) in IGCSE or A levels? or is it fine if i took courses outside school in these subjects? like will universities accept that?
#school #interior-design #subjects #igcse #a-levels

Which subjects are useful?
I’m not interested in doing a lot of things as I don’t enjoy things as much as I should but one thing I will always enjoy is sports. I’ve been thinking of being a sports professional(just an idea). If I were to be one which subjects should I take? #sports #career #subjects #pe #physicaleducation

What should I study at university?
Should I study something deemed 'facilitating' and 'employable' or a subject that I truly enjoy? #university #degree #undergraduate #arts #subjects #sciences #alevel

What subjects should I take in high school if I want to do a bachelor of commerce degree in university
Im having trouble choosing my future career path, I'm looking to head into either a bachelor of commerce or a bachelor of science degree however I figured that I need more time to think it through. As we speak I do not do any commerce subjects at school and I figured it would help me decide what degree I should take in university. #science #commerce #subjects #vce

What are the steps to becoming a successful guidance counselor ?
Hey I am a junior in the 11th grade and I am interested in counseling high school students and preparing them for college and making there college search and career path search run smoothly since they are helpful with that at my school. I want to know what the steps are to becoming a successful guidance counselor and what classes I should improve in. #major #degree #high-school #counselor #advice #subjects