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6 Questions
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Arihant Feb 25 2001 views

Best ECs for a finance degree?

In was just wondering if everyone could give me a FULL list of exactly what to do in high school to get into an IVY. I'm hoping to learn about all the international competitions that have huge weight and exactly what I should do in High School including clubs, sports, grades, etc.

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Arihant Feb 24 1675 views

Finance Vs Engineering?

All I want to do is make money. I know it sounds shallow but what would you recommend is a more lucrative field. I'm going towards finance but I think engineering makes more money. Also what type of engineering would make the most money?

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Arihant Feb 24 1579 views

Finance Competitions?

Does anyone have any good recommendations for a high school student wanting to get into finance(Hedge-fund managing). What kind of finance competitions could I take part in that would help me with college admissions into a big finance school?

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Arihant Feb 23 1183 views

Are Harvard Pre Program's actually worth it ?

Hello, I was looking to apply to the Harvard Undergraduate Ventures-TECH Summer Program and was just wondering how much it is worth when admissions officers look at it. Since it's quite expensive it'd be great to know if I should apply and could it make the turning decision for my college...

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Arihant Feb 23 1286 views

Finance Program Credibility

Is (Fordham University: Finance Institute: Wall Street in the Classroom) a reputable pre-college program that could help me with college admissions? If it isn't could anyone help me with programs that are reputable and can help(preferably without too big of a price tag)

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Arihant Feb 23 1525 views

Passion Project For Finance?

I'm an international student(Freshman) studying at a private school in Tokyo. What would you say is a good passion project for someone wanting to major in finance? Something noticeable enough to hook an Ivy League school?