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Arihant’s Avatar
Arihant Feb 23 1531 views

Passion Project For Finance?

I'm an international student(Freshman) studying at a private school in Tokyo. What would you say is a good passion project for someone wanting to major in finance? Something noticeable enough to hook an Ivy League school?

vidushi’s Avatar
vidushi Feb 22 1764 views

What can i do to be on the right path for law school if i want to be a prosectuter or something in the criminal law field?

Hello i am in middle school and i am wondering what i can do to be on the right path for law school when i grow up. I really want to major in criminal justice so i am wondering what classes i can do or extra curriculars and why? How would they be able to help me achieve my goal and how can they...

Johanne’s Avatar
Johanne Feb 22 2086 views

How do i determine my career path from my school and passion experience?

I am undicided about what i want to do but i wish no field in medicine. i am pretty good in maths ,chem, stats but i still don't know how to find a career path