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Kamagi Dungji’s Avatar

Kamagi Dungji

Sound Designer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Anna, Texas
2 Answers
802 Reads
1 Karma

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Denise’s Avatar
Denise Mar 19 474 views

What editing softwares are easiest to use and free to access, and will they have the same effect on my videos like premiere pro?

In a class of mine, I have to edit videos from shots I take myself for assignments. However, the software is quite advanced and not beginner friendly (exactly). Are there any beginner friendly softwares?

Maggie’s Avatar
Maggie Mar 06 954 views

What What freelance illustration and/or fine art jobs are available to me as an almost college graduate and illustrator? ?

What freelance illustration and/or fine art jobs are available to me as an almost college graduate and illustrator?