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Dwight, Illinois
2 Questions
146 Karma

Honorine’s Career Goals

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Honorine’s Avatar
Honorine Feb 26 2080 views

How do I know what college to go to if I don't much preferences about my college?

I want to find a good school but I don't know what my preferences are. I know I don't want to be near my home but that's about it. It's hard looking for a school not knowing what you're going to major in. what do you suggest?

Honorine’s Avatar
Honorine Feb 25 669 views

Can I work, do full-time college, and play volleyball simultaneously during college?

I've heard that you can work and attend college full-time, but I don't know if you can also play volleyball. College volleyball requires a lot of time commitment, so I don't think I would be able to do this. Could someone help?