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San Jose, California
3 Questions
206 Karma

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Drake Feb 25 981 views

Would starting a career in Facility Maintenance be a better option than starting a career in Security?

I'm conflicted on whether I should start a career in Facility Maintenance as I work well with my hands and would like to fix things, but I'm also interested in Security, like being a TSA agent, TSO or just security in general as I would like to help protect people and I like physical activity.

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Drake Feb 25 1573 views

How good is Security?

Would being a Security Guard be worth it in the long term? Such as being a TSA agent, TSO or just a Security Guard in general? Are they hard to get into?

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Drake Feb 25 1900 views

How good is Facility Maintenance?

1. How good can the pay be, given enough experience?

2. Is it worth it in the long term?

3. How stressful is the work, both to body and mind?