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Joanna Monaco-Schlater’s Avatar

Joanna Monaco-Schlater

Consultant at The Reading Clinic
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Santa Clara, California
13 Answers
13263 Reads
46 Karma

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Charles’s Avatar
Charles Jan 16, 2018 758 views

Should test be altered to fit each student and challenge him or herself.

Every student is given the same test. Each student learns and struggles differently compared to his or her peers. My opinion, rather than creating a set level which every student must work on, creating a level for each student will reduce stress on the student to compete with other students....

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jan 16, 2018 1531 views

What are some ways you can build confidence in public speaking, specifically for teaching?

I have around 7 years experience (or so) in tutoring, and I am pretty comfortable educating individuals and very small groups. However, I am considering pursuing an educators license and becoming a science teacher. I am not very confident in speaking in front of a group of more than 5 people at...

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jan 16, 2018 699 views

For more complex jobs such as forensic anghropology, what undergraduate courses should be taken to ensure a job opportunity in the field?

I want to become a forensic anthropologist, but do not know if I should begin undergraduate as an anthropology or pre-med major. I chose anthropology for most schools since my goal is to not be a doctor, but is that the right course? #medicine #anthropology #anthropology #undergraduate #college...

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 13, 2018 956 views

What does a day in the life of a teacher look like?

Considering becoming an educator and would really appreciate some insight. #teacher #educator #education #higher-education #teaching #higher-education #high-school-students #being-an-elementary-teacher #teachers #educational-leadership #educators #teaching #educating

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Jan 16, 2018 550 views

I am paying for my own college education, but don't want to be in major debt when I graduate. I want to have the "college experience" but commuting seems to be more conducive to staying out of debt. Is there a way to have the best of both worlds?

I am ready to be more adult by moving out, but am not ready for the huge expense that it will incur. #nodebt

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey May 12, 2016 1162 views

What are some ways to connect with a kid when they're having attention difficulties, attitude difficulties, etc?

I want to be an elementary school teacher and I want to get the best advice I can so I can be prepared in order to properly teach young children. #teaching #teacher #elementary-education

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 06, 2017 1489 views

What should I put on my resume if I'm a high schooler looking for an internship?

I'm interested in finding an internship at a research company or university, but I am not sure what to put on my resume as I don't have any experience working elsewhere. #internships #research #job-application

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 22, 2017 1103 views

What are some tips for finding an internship as a high schooler?

I'm looking for an internship and am currently in high school, but I don't know how to start looking for one. I'm interested in the biomedical research field. #science #biology #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #biomedical-science

kayley’s Avatar
kayley Mar 08, 2017 917 views

what are some opportunities for participation in archaeologist events/programs?

i would like to know how i can get myself prepared #history #texas #archaeologist

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 22, 2017 1124 views

How important is to find an internship as a high schooler specifically in the field of your intended major?

My career goal is to be a biomedical researcher in the immunogenetics field, but I was wondering if it finding an internship at another research field, for example oncology or genetics, would still be helpful to me. #science #biology #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #biomedical-science

samson’s Avatar
samson Mar 05, 2017 1208 views

how to combine relationship and school

i am a student about to graduate but i have a girlfriend and it been difficult combining relationship with school. how do i go about it? #teacher #educator #research #relationship-management

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Oct 22, 2016 1174 views

As a teacher, do you have to get certified in different areas of subjects? Or do you have to major/minor in them?

I want to become a middle school biology teacher but I would also like to teach Spanish, Georgia Studies, and math #teaching #biology #mathematics #history #spanish #middle-school

Bryan’s Avatar
Bryan Oct 31, 2016 1116 views

How essential is your degree type (BS, MS, Phd) in the research field?

I would like to know how the different degree types could impact my role in the research field. Is there an incentive to continuing my education past a bachelor's degree? #science #research #biochemistry #laboratory #lab-technician