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Kari Lundy’s Avatar

Kari Lundy

Des Moines, Iowa
13 Answers
3936 Reads
21 Karma

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Denise’s Avatar
Denise Mar 19 737 views

How do I understand perspective?

I like to draw, but perspective is something I can never get. Where exactly should I start, and where will it make an improvement?

Nghi’s Avatar
Nghi Mar 21 1279 views

What are some cheap art supplies I can buy for traditonal art?

I want to buy more art supplies but can't seem to find cheap and affordable ones.

Danny’s Avatar
Danny Mar 21 1933 views

What are some subjects that I could take in school/college to help me improve my writing skills?

I am a Junior, I want to be a writer, and I am wondering what subjects I could take in school/college that could help me improve on my writing skills.

Atlas’s Avatar
Atlas Mar 06 413 views

For all the authors out there, what app or website do you use to write your books?

I haven't been able to find anything that was specifically tailored to book writing.

Danny’s Avatar
Danny Mar 20 1347 views

What are some jobs that could help me improve my writing skills?

I want to be a writer, and I am wondering what jobs could help me improve my writing? That way, I will have the experience from that job to help me improve my writing.

Mishka’s Avatar
Mishka Mar 18 530 views

What movies could be good for looking at storyboards?

I want to look at some movies for inspiration.

Nghi’s Avatar
Nghi Mar 13 669 views

How do I get started on making my own story?

I want to start writing my own series but I don't know where to start.

Vincent’s Avatar
Vincent Mar 04 1512 views

What is the best payed and free apps for digital art animation or just art in general?

I have little to no experience btw

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Feb 20 1278 views

what would the process of becoming a fantasy author entail?

I'm in 9th grade, and I honestly filled this out because it was a requirement for an assignment.

Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl Nov 04, 2024 1807 views

How to understand a different perspective for characters?

Hi. So I want to make a story, and I want the characters to have diversity in many ways (disabilities, race, personality, ideals, etc.) but I don't know how to make a character through their eyes. How can I express them in a way where it's not assuming and more how they actually interact in the...

Powder’s Avatar
Powder Feb 26 2078 views

What things would help my writing become better?

I'm currently working on three novels although one is fan fiction so I guess that one doesn't count. I need help with writers block and with having too many ideas for new one novels when I haven't finished a single one or even finished the character sheet(s).

Emalyn’s Avatar
Emalyn Feb 27 2541 views

What do I need to do to become a successful digital artist?

I am currently in a position where I can not go to college, because of an undiagnosed learning disability. I also have some physical disabilities that limit my mobility, and keep me bedridden most of the day. I on the other hand am very confident in my ability to develop my artistic skills. I...