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Waiswa Jeremiah’s Avatar

Waiswa Jeremiah

Head of Design and Branding
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Kampala, Central Region, Uganda
3 Answers
2147 Reads
11 Karma

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Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Mar 14 984 views

How do you get started in the field of Graphic Design?

Hello! I am currently studying Mathematics with a minor in Graphic Design. I have been applying to internships all around, including for Graphic Design! How does one stand out for an internship?

Maggie’s Avatar
Maggie Mar 06 889 views

What What freelance illustration and/or fine art jobs are available to me as an almost college graduate and illustrator? ?

What freelance illustration and/or fine art jobs are available to me as an almost college graduate and illustrator?

Compassion’s Avatar
Compassion Mar 06 1265 views

People who chose medicine over a career in art, how are you?

This is specific and just mostly out of curiosity. I have a strong passion for art, drawing, and literature, but I enjoy learning about health and medicine. In a world without money, I would doodle and read all day, however, I know that if I had to make a living out of it, it would probably...