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Srinidhi Srinivasan’s Avatar

Srinidhi Srinivasan

Fictional writer in Pratilipi and Wattpad
Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, India
4 Answers
2752 Reads
52 Karma

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Ziyue’s Avatar
Ziyue Mar 11 925 views

Is choosing the career you like more important than the career that fits you is more important ?

I'm a junior in high school, which I don't have a direction for my future career.

melanie’s Avatar
melanie Mar 06 1535 views

what makes you succesful in college?

maintaining an open mindset allows you gain knowledge from othners while aslo improving your levels of experience

Kloie’s Avatar
Kloie Mar 03 836 views

How do I take notes?

Ive never knew how to take notes and now that I’m going into high school I figured it would be beneficial to be able to take notes. So… yeah.

Mahazabin’s Avatar
Mahazabin Mar 02 1110 views

What should I do for my career?

Hello everyone, I don't know what to do with my life now, what should I study to get a degree? I like solving math problems, but I got the lowest marks in my higher secondary exams. My parents want me to do nursing. But my brain for memorization is very bad. I don't know what to study, what to...