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Olufemi Joseph’s Avatar

Olufemi Joseph

Water technician
Healthcare Support Occupations
Lagos, Nigeria
7 Answers
3968 Reads
1 Karma

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Lyla’s Avatar
Lyla Mar 25 1269 views

I want to become a veterinarian when I’m older. What steps should I take to become one?

I’m currently a freshman in high school

teja’s Avatar
teja 2 days ago 877 views

Which programming language is better for Data Science: Python or R?

Which programming language is better for Data Science: Python or R?

Sanvhi’s Avatar
Sanvhi Mar 25 1580 views

Nonprofit/Organization, Awards, Challenges?

Hello! I am currently a freshman in high school, and my interest lay mainly in architecture and business (specifically hospitality), as I want to create my own hotel brand. In addition to this, I have always wanted to create a nonprofit, or other assisting organization that could assist...

Rajbinder’s Avatar
Rajbinder Mar 24 1994 views

I m housewife I did MBA in 2013 after that I got married and now I’m having two children I don’t have work experience but I want to start my career could you please guide me where I can start ?

I want career guidance, from where I can start my career .i did MBA in 2013 then I got married and now having a kids because of responsibilities. I was not able to do work

Jamie’s Avatar
Jamie Mar 21 934 views

What major/college courses should I take to become a video game designer/engineer?

I'm planning for college (in my not-so-distant future). What college courses should I take, and/or what major should I choose, if I'm interested in becoming a video game designer/engineer?

Eddy’s Avatar
Eddy Mar 21 2220 views

What summer job opportunities would individuals who ended up going into a business or data analyst field recommend for a 17 year old HS student?

Bay Area, Male