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James Ramirez’s Avatar

James Ramirez

H.S. Counselor at Dallas ISD
Management Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Dallas, Texas
12 Answers
16545 Reads
56 Karma

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Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon May 03, 2019 647 views

What does a therapist or counselor do on a daily basis?

#therapy #counseling

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Apr 25, 2019 695 views

I know I want to be a counselor, what is a good class to take in highschool?


Emily’s Avatar
Emily Jul 10, 2018 848 views

When College Advisors Don'tappear to have all the anwers...

#counseling #advisors #courseload #righttrack I am transferring from Community College and halfway through my studies there I was assigned a temporary counselor. This left me choosing my own courses from a catalog, rather that asking for assistance. Now I find myself behind in credits due to...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Jan 23, 2018 819 views

How did you know what age group was the right fit for you to teach?

#k-12-education #education

Daisy’s Avatar
Daisy Jan 23, 2018 770 views

Will going to a community college before university help someone from a rural community adjust to city life.

I live in a very rural community with a population of 420 people. My highschool only has 12 people and I think going to a smaller community college will help me become accustomed to being around thousands of people.
#rural #scared

Garima’s Avatar
Garima Oct 23, 2017 1356 views

How to start learning about a career path?

I finished my BA in Psychology and I'm interested in counseling, yet I don't have any experience or know anyone in the field. How do I get started learning about it? Or for that matter any career path I'm interested in? #career #career-path #careers #career-choice #learning #start #psychology...

Arlene ’s Avatar
Arlene Jun 17, 2017 1520 views

I am undecided about the type of counseling I want to do once I graduate?

I am going to school for counseling but it is really hard to choose the type of counseling I really want to do. I work at a behavioral health center but I do not know if I want to continue working there are working with children when finishing with my schooling? #health #counseling #and...

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha May 25, 2016 1130 views

After you become a counselor, is it helpful to start working at a religious center if you are religious?

I would like to get a job with my church so that I can interact with people that are the same religion as me or that are at least investigating our religion. I think it would be a good experience for me because I'd be able to learn more about my own religion by working with these people. Plus,...

Clear’s Avatar
Clear Apr 25, 2017 2335 views

Need career guidance for a counseling career

I am a currently a sophomore marketing major. My own experience with mental health makes me want to inspire others and help them live happily. I hope to apply for mental health counseling, family and relationship therapist, social work master (even to a phd counseling psychology.) My...

Mounia’s Avatar
Mounia Mar 07, 2017 1758 views

How do people with "helping jobs" manage their stress?

I have heard that counseling and work in social services can be very stressful. As an aspiring counselor, I'm wondering what methods do people in those fields use to manage their work related stress? #career-path #counseling #stress-management

Mounia’s Avatar
Mounia Apr 01, 2017 1078 views

How does a counselor figure out which areas they would like to specialize in? For example a person may specialize in Anxiety, Depression, and Anger Management and work in with the subgroups such as Self-esteem, Addiction, and Family Conflict.

Do counselors learn which areas they would like to specialize in while they are in school or do they learn while working for a number of years? #career-path #counseling

Wanita’s Avatar
Wanita Apr 19, 2017 3921 views

In terms of building a resume, what are effective ways to keep it concise?

I heard about the "six second rule" but it's difficult to shorten my resume without feeling like I'm leaving out vital information. #job-search #resume #interviews #resume-writing #job-application