Career questions tagged addiction-counseling

Is there a downside to addiction counseling that is not openly talked about?
Besides obviously having difficult days with people who are going through very emotional times, are there any catches to the profession people do not discuss?

I am a 50 year old former chef/owner in the Food&Beverage industry, and released from prison incarceration nearly a year ago. I'm planning a career change very soon, and am currently exploring the best options with several criteria being considered. First, my age and certain barriers that would limit success. Next, having been previously incarcerated on a charge considered "violent"(assault 2), I am aware that many tech jobs which may require certain clearance measures and various other security related requirements would also be an issue. Last, though I consider myself flexible, a quick learner in most cases, and of above average intelligence, the last time I recall participating in any formal education was nearly 35 years ago, and not at a university or even certificate level. While a career in tech interests me, specifically UX design, Digital Marketing, and even Tech/Software Sales, I happen to also be very interested in Behavioral Health (adolecent addiction counseling). Given my background and considerable barriers, I am interested in several opinions as to what realistic opportunities there are in the career paths I have mentioned. In particular, what do hiring project managers look for exactly for an entry level UX researcher Will age or longevity be a concern? Is there more opportunity in Marketing, working remotely or beginning my own private agency? As a youth counselor a concern I have is, though my ambition and intent working with children and families, to repair or mitigate problems brought on by substance abuse, I hope to find overwhelming satisfaction both personally, as well as professionally. However, I am curious to know just how many felt as I do, prior to working daily with the actual individuals and families suffering. Are there statistics which suggest the number of new counselors who in their first or second year, decide the daily resposibility and fact that often many more are lost than a success may simply be too much to handle, and resign in attempt to preserve their own sanity? I realize the question asked, resulted in many and I apologize. Whatever insight offered however will be greatly appreciated as I try and whittle the options down to hopefully the career path most suitable. Thank you, Patrick
As a 50 year old male, I am embarking on obtainining relevent skills to begin a new career path. I was recently incarcerated and along with my age, and fact I have little experience in any of the above mentioned career choices, I am seeking insight as to which path I may find the least resistant, while also a realistic opportunity for growth as well as demand in the chosen field.

What is the difference between a psychology degree concentrating on addiction versus a degree in social science concentrating on substance abuse ?
I am an adult with a GED looking into going back to school online. Note: this question was asked anonymously by a learner

After you become a counselor, is it helpful to start working at a religious center if you are religious?
I would like to get a job with my church so that I can interact with people that are the same religion as me or that are at least investigating our religion. I think it would be a good experience for me because I'd be able to learn more about my own religion by working with these people. Plus, they have ideal hours and a decent pay where I live. Are there any pros or cons to working with a church compared to a normal counseling center? Thanks! #counseling #addiction-counseling #grief-counseling

What degree would be best for becoming a counselor for grief, addiction, abuse, etc.?
I have been looking at the degrees that are out there and I noticed that there's a lot of different counseling degrees. I want a degree that will allow me to counsel people who struggle with some things that I mentioned in my question. Of course, I won't limit myself to just these areas. I also would like a master's degree if that helps narrow down any possible degrees. Thanks! #counseling #addiction-counseling #grief-counseling #counseling-fields