Career questions tagged mental

What does your daily schedule consist of and how does it make you feel mentally?
The reason why I asked this question is because I want to pursue real estate and I want to know how would this career make me feel mentally on a day to day basis. That is because I am the type of person who gets overwhelmed when things not going right which causes me to stress. So, what advice would you give to a person who gets overwhelmed easily and what techniques could they use to help them relax? #psychology #mental health #real estate#realtor for life #stress free #Memphis real estate

I am undecided about the type of counseling I want to do once I graduate?
I am going to school for counseling but it is really hard to choose the type of counseling I really want to do. I work at a behavioral health center but I do not know if I want to continue working there are working with children when finishing with my schooling? #health #counseling #and #caounseling #childrn #mental #career-details #personal-development #undecided