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Saurabh Jain’s Avatar

Saurabh Jain

Finance Development Program, Dell
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
10 Answers
24429 Reads
136 Karma
Ursula’s Avatar
Ursula Apr 11, 2017 1366 views

How to continue helathy while in university?

Being a student I barely have time for anything and what worries my most is my health. I don't exercise as much now and when I don't have time to cook I end up buying pizza. Do you have any tips on how to stay healthy while in university?

Thanks? #university #health #lifestyle #healthy-lifestyle

eyshea’s Avatar
eyshea Apr 18, 2017 1655 views

What do you do when you are in an interview and you are hit with a complicated question you may have trouble answering ?

i have a job interview coming soon and i want to be ready for anything #jobs #job-coaching #first-job #high #job-application

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Apr 13, 2017 1157 views

What internships did you take that you would suggest to undergrad students?

I always think that hearing about a program from someone else makes it better. I want to know if anyone really learned a lot from a program that I could potentially apply to! My interests are really broad though I love languages and biology! Thanks! #science #biology #language #field-work...

Ursula’s Avatar
Ursula Apr 14, 2017 2343 views

What techniques do you use to help you keep focus?

My finals are coming up and I have a lot of content to go over. I'm a very distracted person and in the end of the day, I feel like I wasn't productive at all. I tried meditating with the app headspace and it helps sometimes. I already turn my phone off while studying, but the problem is: my...

Ursula’s Avatar
Ursula Apr 14, 2017 1804 views

Is it okay to listen to music while studying?

I always listen to music or put the tv as background noise while I'm studying and I feel like it helps me concentrate (when I feel like it's bothering me or I get to a harder topic I turn it off), but every time my sister comes to my room and sees me doing this she always gives me a lecture...

Paajcha Julie’s Avatar
Paajcha Julie Apr 22, 2017 6548 views

Is it appropriate to add work experience in a place you weren't officially employed at in your resume?

My parents own a grocery store, and when I was a young child, I would help by doing simple tasks such as putting away shopping baskets, aiding cashiers with bagging groceries, and bringing shopping carts inside the store. I also worked at the deli section when it first opened and took orders...

Devetra’s Avatar
Devetra Apr 27, 2017 1391 views

What is the correct way to ask your professor for a letter of recommendation?

Need to know when the time comes. #professor

IAmGrootNotDuck’s Avatar
IAmGrootNotDuck May 01, 2017 2033 views

How do i find my career?

I am interested in a lot of things i really like art and games and making things. I also love sports, my favorite being basketball, but it is hard to look to a career, so I would love any feedback for my career #graphic-design #basketball #game-development

Devetra’s Avatar
Devetra Apr 29, 2017 2900 views

Is Volunteering really a good look on your college resume?

Some of my friends volunteer but says its a waist of their time.

Devetra’s Avatar
Devetra May 04, 2017 3705 views

How much truth is there in the saying, "it’s who you know not what you know?"

Heard the saying before but do not know if this applies in the business world. #business #business-management #international-business