Jason Williams
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To accountants who transitioned between public, private, and/or government accounting, why did you decide to switch?
#publicaccounting #accounting #privateaccounting #governmetaccounting #government #job #job-search

What subjects are best for an accountant?
I would like to study to be an accountant and in school we must choose 2 extra subjects to study for our future career. I would like to know which are the best 2 subjects for a great carrer . #business #computer #accounting #mathematics #business-development #it #accountant

What are the benefits of going on to receive my MBA in Accounting?
Accounting student at Towson university #accounting

Which field in Business is the highest paying career?
I am still undecided what field in Business i should major in. Business is one of the biggest major or career out there with a bunch of choices. #business #finance #accounting #international-business #corporate-finance #financial-accounting #undecided

What is the difference between public and private accounting firms?
Whenever I hear the word "accounting," my mind would immediately think of the four big four firms. I never fully understood what is the difference between the big four (public firms) and private firms that makes the big four, distinguished targeted employers. I learned before that private...

How can fraternities positively affect your career
I'm a student at Towson university interested in joining omega psi phi fraternity incorporated

Is it a good idea for an accounting major student to apply for graduate achool?
Most of students will consider to further their education by applying for graduate school. However, from what I have heard, students who are majoring in accounting seldom apply for graduate school; instead, they will pursue a CPA license. #accounting

what would be more benificial aircraft engineer or a automobil engineer
I am in the six grade and I'm looking to become a engineer but I am not sure out of these two because I want the most money that I can get out of a job and what type of degree would I have to have to be a professional? #games

What types of jobs are graduates of the Accounting Program getting after graduation?
Accounting student at Towson university #accounting

To what extent is accounting an international job?
I would like to know if I could find an accounting job that incorporates traveling the world. #accounting

Does the job market desperately need accountants/CPA's?
I have been always curious how this path I am taking in my own college will pan out in the job market. Will they becoming to me? Will I get to practically name my own pricetag? #business #finance #education #management #accounting #economics #travel #job-market