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Geoffrey Mburu’s Avatar

Geoffrey Mburu

Woodbridge Township, New Jersey
16 Answers
19933 Reads
31 Karma


Civic Duty

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Ena’s Avatar
Ena Mar 25, 2017 1185 views

How to do journal entry (accounting) ?

I think debt and credit in journal entry are not logical. I did past exams but i hardly ever get good grade in midterm. #accounting

Ayomide ’s Avatar
Ayomide Mar 20, 2017 1281 views

Are their any other tests besides the cpa for an accounting major?

Accounting student at Towson university #accounting

Ena’s Avatar
Ena Mar 25, 2017 1256 views

Do you think accounting has own course base?

I never learn accounting before. I get the lowest grade in total study life. #accounting

Ena’s Avatar
Ena Mar 25, 2017 2900 views

Do you have suggestion to students who hate accounting but have to pass it?

If i won't pass the course in summer I cannot open my next courses. This is compulsory course in business school lol. #financial-accounting

Mallamma’s Avatar
Mallamma May 03, 2016 1437 views

I Want to become a charted accountant

I am completed 2nd puc #accounting

lohith’s Avatar
lohith May 10, 2016 1500 views

I want to become c.a so please help me

I have completed 10std #business #finance #accounting

Schenel’s Avatar
Schenel May 18, 2016 1019 views

Is it possible for you to leave one country to go to another only to return to that country to go to school??

I know someone who is currently in this soft of predicament. #law #education-policy

Sidhanshu’s Avatar
Sidhanshu May 14, 2016 1026 views

I have completed my bachelors in India in Commerce Professional and Now pursuing PDD(IBM) International Business Management,How can I get a good job after this diploma ?

I am International student as other International student I am unaware about Canada working culture.So,I want to gather some details about how to land into company. #business #manager #export #fitt

Ena’s Avatar
Ena Mar 04, 2017 989 views

What are some recommendations of business school in North America?

Especially graduation step #business-school #after-graduation

Ena’s Avatar
Ena Mar 15, 2017 1069 views

Do you have suggestions to study accounting?

In my business school, everyone has to pass financial accounting and managerial accounting while they are difficult for some people like me. #financial-accounting

Kris’s Avatar
Kris Feb 08, 2017 817 views

If my spouse work at the law business can I go there too?

I want to work with my spouse? #business-lawyer

Ena’s Avatar
Ena Mar 25, 2017 1127 views

How to complete good statement of financial position?

I can do multiple choices of accounting very well but i don't know how to do statements. #accounting

Ayomide ’s Avatar
Ayomide Mar 30, 2017 1146 views

What is the difference between the certificates and associate in science (AS) degree in accounting?

Accounting student at Towson university #accounting

Dana’s Avatar
Dana Apr 04, 2017 1375 views

If someone is a volunteer at a company or a governmental agency and they want to ask about opportunities for paid positions how can they get up the courage to do so?

I am currently volunteering at an agency and I am very interested in the type of work that they are doing there. I enjoy volunteering at the agency but it would be nice to be able to earn and save up some money while I don't have a lot of bills to pay. #volunteering #government #non-profit...

Kaung’s Avatar
Kaung Apr 27, 2017 1324 views

How successful will I be in the long run after getting degree in Accounting and Finance together?

I am very interest in the field of Business Administration especially Finance and Accounting. I like this profession because of its job opportunities and its financial awards. Its financial Awards can give me financial luck, financial happiness, and of course financial independent. #business...