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Devin Skopek’s Avatar

Devin Skopek

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Woodbridge Township, New Jersey
6 Answers
10000 Reads
31 Karma



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Alexis ’s Avatar
Alexis Mar 08, 2017 1639 views

What does it take to become a professional soccer player?

I been playing soccer since I was little.I love the sport and I'm good. I still know I need improvement to make it to the top . #sports #soccer #coaching #training #professional-training #fitness-training #competitive-soccer

daniel’s Avatar
daniel Mar 08, 2017 855 views

What do i need to be a good male model?

Ive always like modeling and clothes and it looks fun. #fashion #modeling

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Mar 24, 2017 1531 views

Does it cost money to become a player in the NFL?

Do you need to pay to be in the NFL? If so, who would you be paying? Taxi drivers have to buy a license to drive, and then they get to earn money -- is that how it works in the NFL or do the players get paid to play without having to pay anything back? [This question was edited by an admin to...

Mounia’s Avatar
Mounia Apr 01, 2017 1751 views

What to do when you don't get the job you really wanted?

I interviewed for a position that I really want and am wondering how I should prepare if I don't get the position? Should I consider volunteering for this organization? Social media was brought up by one of the women that interviewed me, should I look for additional oppurtunities by following...

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Apr 17, 2017 2736 views

How do you reply to a interview question that is best answered if you have prior experience? (First job interview)

I have a upcoming Lenovo internship and I am currently preparing for the interview. #computer-science #computer-software #engineering #career #information-technology #job-application