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Terry Yiu’s Avatar

Terry Yiu

Senior Software Engineer at Zynga
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
3 Answers
14648 Reads
61 Karma

Active Locations

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Apr 10, 2014 3812 views

what's so great about being a computer programmer?

can someone help me. #computer #help #computer-programming #computer-engineer

Judith’s Avatar
Judith May 06, 2014 3111 views

What kind of classes did you have to take in college?

Im asking this to know what i should expect if i decide to pursue this career. #engineer #architect #social-worker

Indra’s Avatar
Indra Oct 04, 2013 7668 views

How do I know if I have what it takes to be a programmer?

I think maybe I want to be a computer programmer, and make websites. How do I know if I have what it takes to be successful? I really want to know the truth. For example do I need a certain amount of grades? Or is there something I can do to figure out if I am not good enough? Sometimes people...