Gessie Belizaire
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What are some of the careers I can choose? I'm a PR student but don't want to work in an agency.
My major is public relations and I've worked at a couple of agencies that specialize in PR, digital marketing, and advertising. As I gained industry experiences, I realized that agency work is probably not a good fit for me. I do like the creative, fast-paced, everyday-is-not-the-same part of...

Are there any jobs for humanitarian work?
I love helping people and I really want to live my life doing humanitarian aid type stuff but I also need to make money to help sustain a family. #helpingothers #humanitarian #non-profit-organization-management #nonprofits #human-rights #career-path #career-counseling

What are some tips that you can give me in having writers block?
I'm currently in college for a English degree and I was wondering if you had some tips on writers block.
Because I keep starting over on basically everything I begin to write.
#Thank-you #writing #journalism #english

How should I improve my writing?
What can I do to improve my writing. And also come up some interesting ideas for story? #journalism
#Thank-you #writing #writing-and-editing

Is there any suggestions if I hope to become a writer?
What can I do to improve my writing skill? I understand that I would need to read and write more but is there any other methods which would help me to become a better writer? #writer #writing #author #english #english-literature #books #personal-development #career-details

How many years of College do I need to get my PhD?
I want to pursue my career in psychology to become a marriage therapist.
#psychology #therapists

What's it's like being in college?
everybody always says its fun and you get to do what you want but is it really all that's it cracked up to be. I wanna make the right decision and I know I have to experience it for myself but I still would Love some people opinions on it.#college-life #college #college-advice