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Lindsey Manning-Djabbari’s Avatar

Lindsey Manning-Djabbari

Entrepreneur & Community Builder
Management Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Irvine, California
131 Answers
522377 Reads
1239 Karma


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<p>I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and minor in Communications at the University of Oregon. Go Ducks!</p>

<p>Post graduation, I was a project coordinator for several years at a small tenant improvement and architecture company in Irvine, CA. I decided to move out to Boston to work for FlipKey, a vacation rental marketplace owned by TripAdvisor. </p>

<p>Despite working for successful companies and getting really great experience, there was always something missing. I felt as though each role I had was simply a "job" and not the career I had hoped for. I realized that I wasn't passionate about the work I was doing and decided to make a change. </p>

<p>I embraced my entrepreneurial spirit and desire to work towards a greater good, and realized my desired career path was staring me in the face! My passion is helping young people, like students on CareerVillage, avoid the same fear and uncertainty I felt when school was over. My goal is to help students define their interests and skills, discover their desired career, and provide them with the advice and guidance they need to pursue it. </p>

<p>CareerVillage is changing the world, one question at a time!</p>