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Duluth, Georgia
2 Questions
149 Karma

Shanice’s Career Goals

Student has not yet added Career Goals Statement

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Shanice’s Avatar
Shanice Jan 16, 2018 1092 views

What are some tips and steps that I should take in order to start a charity organization?

I want to start a charity organization that aids in funding the less fortunate, homeless, less developed countries etc. what are some steps that I should be taking I order to start one? For example will I need legal work, lawyers, a large social media platform and donations to start the...

Shanice’s Avatar
Shanice Jan 16, 2018 4880 views

What are your future goals in life?

My future goals in life are to complete my college egducation and get my Bachelors degree, get into graduate school and work my way to become a Clinical Psychologist. These are the biggest life long goals that I have set up to complete, and I am working immensely on trying to achieve them all....