Spencer Johnston
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What are some majors that are required (or recommended) in order to become a successful accountant?
I have been interested in Business, Finance and most importantly Accounting. I am asking this question because I was always curious on what specific majors are required. I don't know if this varies depending on the type of accountant but I would like to know of the majors that would cover most...

Is a college education better than being in the arm forces?
If putting my family in a bind to pay for college for me then my second option will be joining the arm forces.#choosing-a-career

Do I have to know what career I want my freshman year of college?
I have decided on a major but have not quite decided on a career yet. #psychology #career-choice

How hard do you need to work to get into an ivy league school?
I've been wanting to get into Stanford or Harvard but I don't know how hard you must work to get and be accepted to these schools. I know they are much more harder to get in but I want to fulfill my dream and achieve these goals I set for myself. #college-recruiting...

What is the best way to stay in contact with co-workers after an internship?
I currently have an internship in Ohio but my school and permanent address is in New Jersey. The people here are good people and might help me in the future. I want to maintain some contact so the opportunity doesn't disappear. What is the best way to maintain contact even when I get busier in...

How can you start a career without going to college?
I'm asking this because I'm skeptical about going to a UC. I am going to community college because my dad wants me to because we are broke. But I don't know if I want to continue to go to school after that, and I want to know how I can get a good career that pays good money without going to...

Is it better to study a career that pays you more money, or a career that you actually enjoy?
The reason for this question is because this is the question I hear the most, because many people tell me that you won't go anywhere if you study what you "enjoy" and or "love" if it doesn't give you a decent amount of money, and I also hear that if you work in a career that gives you a lot of...