Ashley Santos

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What do i need to do to get the most out of my strengths and hobbies?
I like people and I am trustworthy #college

Is it easy for a marketing major to find a job after college?
#college-major #job

What are club sports like?
I may be interested in running club track at my college (USC) and was wondering what it's actually like. Is there practice? Are there meets?
#student-clubs #college-student #track

How can I deal with an annoying dormmate?
I'm afraid I'll be matched with someone really annoying in college. Will there be opportunity to switch rooms? What other ways could I manage this situation?
#college #relationships #college-bound ##college

What Major and Minors to Take to Keep My Career Options Flexible?
As far as future careers go, I'm deciding between two: psychologist, or have my own business (clothing). I'm not sure what particular field of psychology I'd go into if I decided to do that. I'm in my senior year of high school now and am looking into majors and minors at the college I'm...

What are some studying habits that are easy to follow through with?
When I advance to college the curriculum is going to advance as well. I want to learn easy study habits so I have less risk falling off task and more success into comprehending what is needed. #junior-high #college #college-bound

why do many people without a degree own a better wage from those who have a profession?
#betterwage #collegeorrefineries

How did you decide on a major?
I like everything and am having a really hard time narrowing down what I really want to study. What are your best resources for helping you decide?
#college-major #college #academic-advising

Should I get a laptop for college?
I know alot of students in college uses the computer for taking notes by putting it on vioce type. Which is really smart but the computer I have is really slow on take notes like that. So should I get a new one or should I keep the one I have? #college #computers #laptops #college-prep

When in college should I know what exactly I want to do in my future ?
I am about to be an undergrad at a 4 year college and don't know what I want to do. I am scared about when I should figure everything out. #help #college

For college housing- Dorm or House?
I have lots of friends who want to go to the same college I do, but my concern is housing. I want the cheapest possible, to save money, so I am thinking about getting a house and cramming a lot of guys in it. A 4 bedroom house, say it's $1400/month, with 7 beds, if all beds are filled that's...

How can I manage my time better? I try my best but I know that it isn't good enough. I'm still running out of time 90% of the time!!!!
I need to improve my time management skills because this will definitely help me be better and more successful in life. I'm already having a hard time managing my time wisely in high school, I'm scared what could happen in college! Ahhhh! Help!
#help #timemanagement #highschool #college

Is college right for me, and if so, what should I major in when I'm interested in so many career fields?
I've changed my major so many times I feel that I should just major in everything. Financially speaking, not a great choice. #college-major #college #college-advice #academic-advising

How do I know if I've chosen the right school?
I'm asking because I ask my self that question regularly and I can never seem to answer it. #TexasToKansas #college-selection #college

How do I know I will get a job after college?
I'm worried that I will struggle to find a job once I obtain my degree.
#stressed #worried #help #career-path #college

What should I bring to my college dorm?
I know most people bring a mini fridge and a microwave to their dorm but what are some other things that most people find essential? #dorm #college #college-bound

What can I do with a degree in international business?
#international #business #management I can't decide on whether I want to go into management or international.

What is the best way for an undeclared student to discover options for a college major?
This fall, I will be attending a four-year #university , but I have not declared a #major yet. I have diverse interests, so I would like to #explore my options before I decide on a major. What would be the best way to discover my options and learn about new things in order to find the right...

What are some quick resume boosters for prospective college students?
My cousin is graduating next spring and I want to help him find impressive and enriching programs to get involved in this summer. I know it is already June, but I hope to find something that can make him stand out on college applications. He likely has to start sending those out in August or...