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Francis Taplin’s Avatar

Francis Taplin

Laboratory Technical Services
Production Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
3 Answers
2909 Reads
15 Karma
Samreen’s Avatar
Samreen Jun 23, 2016 1339 views

I have interest in Chemisrty. What are the career choices available

Need career advice related to chemistry #science #chemistry #pharmaceuticals #chemical

Mariela’s Avatar
Mariela Sep 08, 2017 1179 views

What are some core classes that are recommended to take if I'm interested in pursuing in forensic science

I would like to become a crime scene investigator as my career.
#science , #forensicscientist #csi , #forensics , #crime-scene-investigation

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Oct 23, 2016 905 views

I understand that as a Forensic Biologist you are looking at DNA and the small micro details to solve a crime, however, how often does this evidence actually lead to a great discovery that solves the case?

I want to be a Forensic Biologist. I know what the job implies, but I really want to know how often the evidence actually leads to solving the crime. #professor #forensicscientist #criminologist #dnaanalysist #forensic #forensic-chemistry #forensic-analysis #biology #law-enforcement...