Career questions tagged chemical

How do i pursue career in chemistry?
I love more to know about chemical and there chemical reaction

I was told chemical engineering is relatively niche among engineering disciplines, is this true?
I am a senior in high school but don't know which engineering discipline to go into. Chemical engineering used to be my top choice but I was told it is too niche. What options exist for employment and job prospects?

What are the challenges and problems facing modern chemical engineers in solving global problems?
I want to become a chemical engineer and I also want to contribute to solving global problems such as climate change, alternative forms of energy and etc. In this case it is important to know what challenges I need to be prepared for as a 16 year old teenager.

What is the biggest challenge of becoming a chemical engineer?
Alternatively, what are the biggest challenges of being a chemical engineer?

What type of degree should I look for if I plan on becoming a chemical engineer?
Or any other chemistry-based career.

What are the common tasks of a chemical engineer?
For example, what do you do on a daily basis? What are some goals set by chemical engineers? What are the challenges faced by chemical engineers?

what are the worst and best parts of being a biochemical engineer
I'm looking to start a career in biochemical engineering and I'd like to be mentally prepared for any unexpected hardships. #biology #biomedical-engineering #biochemical #chemical #engineering #engineer #chemical-engineering #chemical-engineer #civil-engineering

What's a day in the life of a biomedical engineer versus a chemical engineer?
#JULY20 #engineering #biomedical #chemical #biomed #chem #day-in-life #engineer

what do you do on a day to day basis at work
I’m a senior at brennan high I want to be a chemical engineer and be young and successful and working by 25 in the field. #chemical #engineer #chemical-engineering

what do you do on a day to day basis at work
I’m a senior at brennan high I want to be a chemical engineer and be young and successful and working by 25 in the field. #chemical #engineer #chemical-engineering

I would like to know which engineering major should i choose from chemical engineering and aeronautical engineering and mechanical engineering?
I am a first year student of University of Moratuwa,Sri lanka,and i have select my field,so i am really confused and unsure which one to choose.I do like aeroplanes and stuff,but i am afraid of the job opportunies in the World,the restrictions in the US for aeronautical engineers,since i am a Sri Lankan.Moreover i have no idea about job prospects in Australia and Uk for aeronautical engineers or any restrictions they might have.I am also worried whether i can get a good job doing aeronautical engineering at University of Moratuwa because aeronautical engineering which is a sub-major of mechanical engineering in my University and they started it in 2017.Then comes chemical engineering,i am worried whether it is a very tough major for my liking,otherwise i like it because of the very high salary and vast job prospects.At last is mechanical engineering,i have failed my 1st semester mechanics paper which has dynamics and statics,which makes me feel like can i do it.I really have passion in aeroplanes,so kindly help me choose the right path i should go in .Because i dont have any family or friends who are in the enginering sector,i am really confused what to choose,also this choice is very important in my life.For more information of departments of my University,you please find the link .Thank you for taking your time to read my problem. #engineering #engineer #aerospace #mechanical-engineer #chemical engineer

Do all chemical companies offer job site training after attending a college for process technology?
My brother works for DOW Chemical ad after he was hired he went through a little bit of training and i was just curios if all chemical plants offered it. #chemistry #dow #chemical #chemical-plants #science

If i would not be accepted to medical school what else I can do with a Chemisyry degree?
#college-bound #college-selection #chemical

How has chemical engineering benefited you outside of your career?
Besides just discussing what you've learned in your career field as a chemical engineer, I want to know how being a chemical engineer can benefit me in other ways. #career #science #engineering #chemical #benefits

As a chemical engineer, do you realize any notable differences in the work ethics of female chemical engineers and male engineers? If so, what are some notable differences? If not, what are the similarities?
I am a female high school graduate who is looking to pursue a lifelong career in Chemical engineering. What drove me to ask this question is the simple fact that quite a few people have asked me why do I want to be a chemical engineer considering that I am a female, and "females just don't fit in careers like that?" I feel like this question can help people realize that females can be just as productive and are just as deserving of recognition as males are. #career #science #work #engineering #women #chemical #equality #ethic

What is the best part of a Chemical Engineer's Day?
I want to be a Chemical Engineer but I really want to know what it is all about. What are the secrets to the field, and why do people specifically pick this field? #engineer #chemical #chemicalengineer

Describe a day in the life of a Chemical Engineer at work.
I am a high school senior and am looking into possibly chemical engineering. I was hoping to hear from several different CEs to determine the array of opportunities it might have as a career. #engineering #engineer #chemistry #chemical-engineering #chemical-engineer #chemical

What is the best type of chemical engineer?
I want to know what type of chemical engineer has a high growth a and a high starting salery #engineering #chemical

in my class there is a HUGE gender gap a bit intimidating and worrisome and i'm not sure if this is something i should worry about or just brush off?
i'm the only girl in my class planning to specialize in chemical engineering it's a widely known option so i thought there would be more candidates.. #chemistry #chemical-engineering #chemical #chem

What's the hardest thing about being a biologist or chemist (or anything related to these careers)?
I have interest in becoming someone working in these career fields. #biology #chemistry #biochemistry #molecular-biology #chemical #chemicals #medicinal-chemistry #organic-chemistry

Is Chemical Engineering or Bioengineering more rewarding regarding jobs?
I have narrowed my career path down to two types of engineering. I would like to know which of the two are more respectable or necessary when it comes to getting a job. #engineering #engineer #chemical #bioengineer

I have interest in Chemisrty. What are the career choices available
Need career advice related to chemistry #science #chemistry #pharmaceuticals #chemical

In which stream i should select in higher studies to become a chemical technician?
I want to become a chemical technician. But, I couldn't know to select my stream in higher studies. Please tell me which stream could i select? #chemical #technician

Can somebody please fill me in on what chemical engineers do, and where jobs are most common for them?
I think I have a pretty good idea on the job description but I would appreciate a legitimate first hand account. Also, I have no clue on where this occupation is found; my family and I are kinda worried I might have to move across the country (which is something I would be willing to do). #engineering #chemistry #help #chemical #job-descriptions

For you chemical engineers, what's the best way to get a head start on paying off your loans you know that you are going occur in college from tuition?
I know that you can get scholarships from the school, such as for ACT score, but is there any other way that I can pay at least 3/4 of this insane debt I know I'm going to rack up throughout college. I'm going to the University of Kansas in the fall of 2017 so I have a little time but PLEASE help! Love, your frantic, worried, future college student #engineering #chemistry #scholarships #help #chemical

What kind of employment opportunities are available for people who study chemical engineering? For people who study biomedical engineering?
I am trying to decide whether I want to study chemical or biomedical engineering, and what kinds of jobs I can get with either degree in the future. #engineering #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #chemical #bio-chem