Career questions tagged criminologist

Natalie882 views
How many jobs are there for criminology?
What degrees do you get? What skills should you have?

K1268 views
As a criminologist what do you do?
I will be a rising sophomore and majoring in sociology. I have an interest in criminology and have been doing research into the career. However, I'm not sure what I want to do so I would like to hear from a professional's point of view what an everyday life of a criminologist looks like. Thanks in advance. #career-path #criminologist #experience

Rebecca958 views
I understand that as a Forensic Biologist you are looking at DNA and the small micro details to solve a crime, however, how often does this evidence actually lead to a great discovery that solves the case?
I want to be a Forensic Biologist. I know what the job implies, but I really want to know how often the evidence actually leads to solving the crime. #professor #forensicscientist #criminologist #dnaanalysist #forensic #forensic-chemistry #forensic-analysis #biology #law-enforcement #criminal-justice