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Daniela Silva’s Avatar

Daniela Silva

Freelance Writer in Mental Health and Education
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
State of Goiás, State of Goiás, Brazil
922 Answers
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Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Oct 26, 2015 727 views

What is a good collage to go to if i want to be an artest

HI ,my name is Alexis and I am trying to find the right collage to go to ,I love to draw

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Oct 26, 2015 1071 views

What skills do I need to become a Game Developer?

Im in love with games, and recently asked a question about the same topic, now im wondering if i need any particularly skills (Such as Artistic,Fast typer, ETC) to help me achieve my goal. Thank you for reading this! #skills #game-development

Garrett’s Avatar
Garrett Oct 26, 2015 989 views

what would be a good college for finacing

I would like to know what would be a good college for financing #work

Ezaan’s Avatar
Ezaan Oct 26, 2015 1460 views

environmental engineering

what field do you need environmental engineering? #engineering #engineer #environmental #environment

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Oct 21, 2015 1317 views

what to do now to help me in IT consulting for Microsoft

I wanted to now a little about what a IT consultant does because that was my other interest #business #business-analysis

Tabor’s Avatar
Tabor Oct 26, 2015 903 views

What kind of classes do you have to take to become a veterinarian

i would like to become a veterinarian when i grow up.... The type of animals i would like to work with are dogs and any type of farm animal etc.... #veterinarian #veterinary

Melody’s Avatar
Melody Oct 25, 2015 1369 views

What college courses do you have to take to become a Cardiac surgeon?

I'm a sixth grader who is planning on being a cardiac surgeon. #college #surgeon #cardiac-surgeon

Jaymi’s Avatar
Jaymi Oct 20, 2015 1586 views

horse trainer

how much money do horse trainers make?
#equine #trainer #horse

Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Oct 23, 2015 998 views

What college should I go to, to be a pharmacist?

I am asking because I want to be one and I've been doing research and don't know which one is best. #doctor #medicine #people

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Oct 25, 2015 1100 views

What types of education should I have so that I can be in politics?

Education meaning; possible majors college courses, degrees, licenses, credentials, extra curricular, internships, etc. #college #education #government #experienced

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Oct 23, 2015 781 views

A jop that pays a lot of money for a docter?

A docter saved my sisters life. #doctor

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Oct 23, 2015 948 views

What is the pay for a career in chemistry?

I'm in sixth grade and Iv'e wanted to do chemistry since third grade. I was asking this because I was thinking about becoming a chemist for my career. I was very interested in this major and I wanted to have a job that paid at least semi well. If someone could please answer my question, that...

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Oct 23, 2015 983 views

What kind of education is needed to be a private detective?

I am in 6th grade and I would like to be a private detective when I grow up, any help would be appreciated. Thank you! #police #police-officer #detective #private-detective

Samuel.kendall’s Avatar
Samuel.kendall Oct 22, 2015 1851 views

How do you first get started with interior design?

hi my name is Samuel and I am in 6th grade and I am interested in this topic and I want to know how to get started please help by telling me what I need to do to get started (thanks I really need it) #design #interior-design #interior #furniture

Annalee’s Avatar
Annalee Oct 23, 2015 1125 views

what collage classes should I take to get collage credits for a social worker

i would like to get collage credits for my job as a social worker. #social-work #social-worker #worker