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Raney’s Avatar


Raleigh, North Carolina
2 Questions
121 Karma

Raney’s Career Goals

I want to be a graphic designer and photographer for creative lifestyle companies or record labels.

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Raney’s Avatar
Raney May 29, 2018 1491 views

What do companies look for in a portfolio when hiring a designer, artist, or photographer?

I want to design logos, album covers, and advertisements for record labels, musicians, or lifestyle companies. When creative professionals hire freelance artists or people to work for their company, what kind of things do they look for in their portfolio before hiring them? #graphic-design...

Raney’s Avatar
Raney May 29, 2018 930 views

As an artist, how do I make money while also doing what I'm passionate about?

I want to be a graphic designer after college, but I don't know where to begin with finding a stable job that also allows me creative freedom. I understand that I won't necessarily love every assignment I get, but I don't want to spend my career bored or uninspired. What is the key to finding...