Kevin Pan
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Is neuroscience a good major?
Things you can consider for this specific question... Are there many job opportunities in neuroscience? Is there a lot of room for growth in the field of neuroscience? If you majored in neuroscience, are you happy with your choice of major? I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting...

What’s the best major to pursue in order to become a neurosurgeon
I have little guidance from family members due to their lack of knowledge about college, therefore I’d like to have a better idea of what I’m getting into. I’ve narrowed down the choices to cellular and molecular biology and biomedical sciences. Are either of these two good choices or no? If...

How do I become a software engineer?
#engineer #engineering #computer-programming #software #software-engineer

what if I wanted to go into computer science but couldn't take classes for it; how would handle that in college
Is there any classes I should take in college that could help me #computer-science #computer-programing #computer-engineering #cybersecurity #cyber-security