Jeff Yowell
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What's it like, money wise, to have an apartment?
During college, depending on which one I go to, I was thinking about getting my own apartment, something cheap for now until I save up more money than I do now. I want to have the feeling of living on my own, to try and see if I can handle it. #financial-planning #mortgage

Building credit is increasingly becoming an essential part to adulthood. What are the main things an individual must know when initially building credit?
#credit # #financial-planning #financial-services #commercial-banking

What are some different ways to pay for education?
#financial-planning #education #college #finance #higher-education

How do I apply for scholarships efficiently?
I feel like searching for scholarships can make me fall into a never ending pit where I am barely even finding many. How do I apply for many scholarships in one sitting and how can I actually earn scholarships? #scholarships #financial-planning #college

What does it take to build and run a new apartment complex?
Hello, I've all but decided that apartment complex ownership is the business I want to start with as an entrepreneur. I'm currently working toward finishing my associate of arts degree, taking business/economics/accounting classes to assist me with the technical aspects of starting the...

Where is the best place to go to get out of a big debt such as school, car, and credit?
I need info on how I can get help to pay these bills. #financial-planning #debt #student-debt #loans #finance