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Jeff Yowell’s Avatar

Jeff Yowell

Financial Advisor
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Los Angeles, California
6 Answers
7527 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Keziah’s Avatar
Keziah Jan 22, 2018 1571 views

What's it like, money wise, to have an apartment?

During college, depending on which one I go to, I was thinking about getting my own apartment, something cheap for now until I save up more money than I do now. I want to have the feeling of living on my own, to try and see if I can handle it. #financial-planning #mortgage

Ayen’s Avatar
Ayen Aug 24, 2018 1347 views

Building credit is increasingly becoming an essential part to adulthood. What are the main things an individual must know when initially building credit?

#credit # #financial-planning #financial-services #commercial-banking

Laniece’s Avatar
Laniece Sep 20, 2018 1014 views

What are some different ways to pay for education?

#financial-planning #education #college #finance #higher-education

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Sep 01, 2017 907 views

How do I apply for scholarships efficiently?

I feel like searching for scholarships can make me fall into a never ending pit where I am barely even finding many. How do I apply for many scholarships in one sitting and how can I actually earn scholarships? #scholarships #financial-planning #college

Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany May 17, 2017 2834 views

What does it take to build and run a new apartment complex?

Hello, I've all but decided that apartment complex ownership is the business I want to start with as an entrepreneur. I'm currently working toward finishing my associate of arts degree, taking business/economics/accounting classes to assist me with the technical aspects of starting the...

Cristina’s Avatar
Cristina Jan 16, 2018 817 views

Where is the best place to go to get out of a big debt such as school, car, and credit?

I need info on how I can get help to pay these bills. #financial-planning #debt #student-debt #loans #finance