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Alejandro Garcia Marra’s Avatar

Alejandro Garcia Marra

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Buenos Aires, Argentina
3 Answers
2059 Reads
1 Karma

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Diana’s Avatar
Diana Feb 27, 2019 859 views

How to start before going to college?

what are the steps after High school?
What is good advice on preparing yourself for the first year of college #career #college #graduation

Pogba’s Avatar
Pogba Mar 05, 2019 578 views

Since most colleges only offere general computer Science as a course, how can you use that later when applying to more specific technical jobs to gain knowledge about computer science deeply like analytics?

#technology #computer-science

Hanan’s Avatar
Hanan Mar 08, 2019 665 views

Are there any careers that relate biology and technology?

Biology and technology are two very interesting careers for me, are there any careers that involve both?
