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Chris Anthony’s Avatar

Chris Anthony

Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
7 Answers
5088 Reads
1 Karma

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Gabriela ’s Avatar
Gabriela Dec 14, 2016 1050 views

Are there any forums on the web that will connect me with students ?

There are forums for everything now these days , so I am curios is there such a thing as a student forum? #networking #student-development #forums

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jan 16, 2018 1345 views

What is our job industry going to look like? Are there going to be machines that are going to take jobs from others and might not have a back up plan?

I’m asking this because I know making machines is our way of trying to make things run faster in in factories and even cashiers. You have a self automated machine to pro things for you instead of walking for it or making it because the machines are there to make it easier to make where a human...

christopher’s Avatar
christopher Apr 26, 2019 845 views

What is life?

What is life? #life

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Jul 26, 2018 816 views

Are there jobs for aerospace engineering everywhere?

I want to be an aerospace engineer but I don’t want to have to live in one or two specific places to find a job. Will I be able to find a job anywhere? #jobs #job-search #engineer

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Apr 06, 2018 677 views

What is it like being a diesel mechanic?

I am interested in being a diesel mechanic after I graduate and I was wondering what it is like. #mechanics #mechanic #engineer

georgia’s Avatar
georgia Apr 29, 2019 690 views

what are working conditions mechanical engineers go through?


Vardhmaan’s Avatar
Vardhmaan Mar 21, 2019 555 views

Scope And Earning of Data Analyst in future.What should be done to move fast in this field.
