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Geeniya Kaushal’s Avatar

Geeniya Kaushal

Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
8 Answers
12935 Reads
1 Karma

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Michael’s Avatar
Michael Oct 03, 2019 831 views

What is it like to travel often for business, meeting clients, etc.?

#travel #business #prosandcons

Roland’s Avatar
Roland Sep 06, 2019 666 views

How did you be interested in your job?

#engineering #career #job-search

Cori’s Avatar
Cori Oct 06, 2018 911 views

How should I dress for college interviews?

I am a female and wondering what type of attire to wear for interviews at colleges looking to be accepted into a 3+3 DPT program as incoming freshman. #interviews #college #dress-for-success

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Oct 12, 2018 1504 views

My family & friends

I will be a undergraduate next fall. I am hoping to attend one of the best schools that I personally believe has a great Nursing program for me. However, it is no where near home. I have always dreamed of a movie like college experience. I want to become much more independent and all, but My...

Fatima’s Avatar
Fatima May 03, 2019 2492 views

How can I keep my schedule organized?

I need more time to hang out with friends
#school #time #time-management #student #college #work-life-balance

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 28, 2016 2020 views

What do you love about your job?

I am a high school student who has seen both the best and worst of many individuals' careers. I have seen people take up their careers, only to end up struggling to keep up with them. Lately, I haven't met many people who are happy doing what they do. Individuals have their own circumstances...

Michaela’s Avatar
Michaela Feb 25, 2015 2147 views

How do I prevent the temptation to go out every night while in college?

I know that college parties are a main factor in why students get kicked out. #college #decision-making #parties

Jose’s Avatar
Jose Apr 26, 2019 4307 views

How many hours does a engineer work for?

#engineering #engineer