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joann price’s Avatar

joann price

sales rep
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Plano, Texas
11 Answers
51053 Reads
20 Karma

Active Locations

Marie’s Avatar
Marie May 11, 2020 2740 views

is it okay to be shy?

I am so shy infront of people

Lihan’s Avatar
Lihan May 14, 2020 1634 views

How to prepare your future?

Upcoming college senior majoring in Computer Science. Experienced with Software Engineering and Electrical Engineering. #computer #college #engineering #computer-software

oisin’s Avatar
oisin May 15, 2020 1351 views

How do I find work in my area?

I am 6’2, 15 years old and a hard worker. I like a challenge and im in need of a job #bluecollar #work #career #sports #social-work #job

Emma’s Avatar
Emma May 15, 2020 1220 views

When should you start thinking about college?

I am interested in going to school to become either a surgeon or a doctor. #medicine

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan May 11, 2020 2269 views

What kind of prior experience will i need before i go into a job interview?

I just need some background information so I #career #interviews know what I focus on right now.

Marie’s Avatar
Marie May 12, 2020 4028 views

would it be a good idea to work with your best friend?

I dont think it is but I would like different type of perspective

Kenya’s Avatar
Kenya Feb 06, 2019 19476 views

As a real estate agent is their a lot of math involved for this career?
