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Elijah Grom’s Avatar

Elijah Grom

Graphic Designer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Minsk, Minsk Region, Belarus
3 Answers
2046 Reads
1 Karma

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Kellene’s Avatar
Kellene May 16, 2019 607 views

I don't know what I should do if I want to be a graphic designer like classes and stuff

#graphic-design #art

Lewis’s Avatar
Lewis May 17, 2019 682 views

Self Taught or College/Uni for art

Hi, i was curious to those who are illustrators and Graphics designers, what would be the best approach to learning how to draw, paint and design effectively. I have moderate skills in art but not enough to get me in the professional field just yet, Was curious what peoples opinions are on...

Lindsey’s Avatar
Lindsey Jul 02, 2019 844 views

what are employers looking for in this career?

i am interested in computer animation. #animation #art #computer