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Akshayata Madan’s Avatar

Akshayata Madan

Network security
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6 Answers
6591 Reads
1 Karma

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charlotte’s Avatar
charlotte Mar 07, 2020 1567 views

What's the most important part of a resume?

Which aspect of my resume should I highlight or refer to in my cover letter to have the most impactful and effective application? #job-application #resume #job-search #interviews

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Aug 16, 2018 874 views

What is the best way to break into a career?

More often than not I've found that most people land successful careers because of their social networking within a company. What tips can I use to introduce myself to a potential employer? Or, in other words, how can I gain contacts within the business industry? #business #career-advice

Afolabi’s Avatar
Afolabi Apr 07, 2020 2116 views

How to make money from doing what you love

I am a computer science undergraduate, I am not a fan of programming like that, I do and I like it though but I love coaching and acting. But making it in coaching and acting is a tough one.#computer-science #acting #career

Sandy’s Avatar
Sandy May 06, 2016 1591 views

Will it be worth the time?

Because i wont if its a waste #college #technology #video-games

Aisha’s Avatar
Aisha Sep 27, 2012 2006 views

Are the classes you take in college for engineering hard ?

Im 16 and in high school. #engineering

MaraCodman1’s Avatar
MaraCodman1 Sep 07, 2012 2203 views

How long does it take to become an engineer?

I have a cousin who's interested in becoming an engineer. #engineer